Typical responsibilities include:
Assisting with vehicle titling and registration and collecting motor vehicle fees. This money is distributed to county funds, and the State of Montana.
Collecting property taxes. These funds are distributed to various county and city entities as well as the school districts based upon approved budgets and approved mill levies.
Collecting and investing money received by other county offices and the public schools. Every effort is made to invest funds to earn the greatest interest while keeping your money secure.
Tracking all checks that are issued by county offices and the school districts and providing each office with monthly information on their cash expenditures.
Working hand in hand with the school clerks to receive and distribute money from the county and state sources to the appropriate school funds. Providing monthly reports to each school district, including their cash balances and an overview of the money received and disbursed by each district.
For more information click on the links below:
Sharlys Davis