The sheriff’s office is responsible for a variety of duties related to enforcing state and local laws. Typical responsibilities include:
Investigating all crimes committed in the County
Preserving the peace
Attending all courts and carrying out court orders
Patrolling all roads within the County
Animal control in rural areas of the County
The Sheriff serves as the Coroner, Fire Warden and the Public Administrator for Liberty County.

Helpful Links

The Sheriff’s office also provides the following:
Livestock/branding inspections
Burn Permits
Serves civil papers
$75 plus mileage
Concealed Weapon Permits
Must be approved by Sheriff
$55 new permit/$25 renewal (4 yr)
- Must be U.S. citizen 18 yrs of age or older
- Must be Montana resident - at least 6 months
- Must show proof of hunter's safety education or firearm safety training
- Hunter's Education Certificate can be printed from Fish Wildlife and Parks website:
Complete the application but DO NOT SIGN OR DATE. Signature must be witnessed by Sheriff. Click on the link below for application and map of states that honor Montana permit.

Nick Erickson
Physical Address:
111.5 East Adams Ave.
Chester, MT 59522
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 170