The mission of the Liberty County Museum is to provide and preserve historical archives. The museum complex consists of but is not limited to the following exhibits: homesteading, blacksmithing, farming, ranching, medical, military, businesses, train depot, school house, organizations and much more.
Originally built as the First Church of the Community, this former Methodist/Episcopal Church building became the Liberty County Museum in 1969. Now on the National Historic Registry, it is part of a growing museum complex, which houses and cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific artistic, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits.
Step back in time ...
Share the blacksmith’s backbreaking work, sit in the sheepherder’s wagon, and imagine a trip behind a horse pulling the plowshare!
In addition to a variety of interesting exhibits donated by local residents, take time to peruse through the collection of photographs, records of local obituaries and weddings, local historical books, scrap books, year books, and artifacts.
The following are recordings of interviews of past residents of Liberty County. Interviews were conducted by students for a school based project as well as community members interested in preserving local history.