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Allen Ray by Chris Ray - 02-11-1998
00:00 / 45:11
Gerald Smith by Cory Williams - 01-30-1998
00:00 / 54:21
Myrtle Hoffner by Anna Mae Hanson - no date
00:00 / 34:43
Almira Brevick by Courtney Fraser, Logan Lyders, Cory Decker and Renata Munfrada - 02-04-1
00:00 / 49:31
Ginger Green - 02-11-1998 - no interviewer
00:00 / 51:43
Ambjorg Scalese- no interviwer- no date
00:00 / 39:42
Anna Freeman by Matthew Clark - 11-25-1996
00:00 / 20:30
Glenn and Lori Wolfe by Brianne Wolfe - no date
00:00 / 18:28
Anna Mae Hanson by Helen Aaberg - 01-27-1980
00:00 / 12:17
Gust Bergsland by Anna Mae Hanson - 02-17-1980
00:00 / 59:25
Anna Nordstrom by Kari Hawks - 02-22-2000
00:00 / 11:52
Harry Heimbigner - no date - poor recording
00:00 / 07:25
Archie Violett by Amanda Violett - 02-20-1999
00:00 / 45:26
Helen Aaberg by Anna Mae Hanson - 01-27-1980
00:00 / 34:38
Austin Stratton by the BMGS - 07-14-1984
00:00 / 25:38
Helen Hodges - 01-06-2001
00:00 / 28:46
Barbara Schaefer by Kari Hawks- 02-21-2000
00:00 / 08:46
Hilda Smith by Tim Kenfield - 1971
00:00 / 19:25
Barbara Wolfe - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 16:10
Hugh Brown - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 09:45
Bertram Wicks by Barbara Cady - 06-08-1980
00:00 / 49:19
Betty Eklund by Justina Johns and Trista Houle - 01-15-2001
00:00 / 38:34
Betty Jean Wolfe by Heidi Cicon and Jamie Graham - 12-28-2000
00:00 / 16:47
Bob Aitken - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 12:07
Bob Dafoe by Renee Rasmussen - 01-09-2001
00:00 / 05:42
Brandy Sutton by Trista Houle and Justina Johns - 01-15-2001
00:00 / 17:00
Carol Mattson by Kari Hawks - 01-27-2000
00:00 / 17:56
Charlotte Jensen by Shyanne Norick - 11-25-1996
00:00 / 24:37
Clarence Kolstad - no interviewer - 1975
00:00 / 20:07
Claude Demarest by Lora Stratton - no date
00:00 / 26:35
Cliff Hanson - 01-30-2001
00:00 / 07:45
Cliff Hanson by Dave Ghekiere - 02-11-1998
00:00 / 31:56
Cliff Hanson by Jamie Graham and Heidi Cicon - no date
00:00 / 21:39
Cliff Leighton by Logan Lyders - no date
00:00 / 06:59
Dan Wolery - 01-13-2001
00:00 / 15:49
Irene Mattson - 11-25-1996
00:00 / 13:09
Irvin Brown by Julia Dafoe - 01-31-1998
00:00 / 34:20
Irvin and Dolores Hutchison and Wilbar and Howard Eveland by the CHS Junior English Class
00:00 / 46:10
Irvin Hutchison - 02-08-1998
00:00 / 19:01
Irvin Hutchison - 01-10-2001
00:00 / 20:01
Irvin Hutchison - 02-19-2001
00:00 / 19:42
James DeVries by Mary DeVries - 12-21-1998
00:00 / 06:00
James Steven by Samantha Steven - 01-05-1999
00:00 / 06:40
Janell Roke Wardell - 1998
00:00 / 1:01:32
Jeanne Hull by Kari Hawks and Kali Nelson - 02-18-2000
00:00 / 18:58
Joe Lasorte - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 09:55
Joe Lasorte by Joanna LaSorte- 01-25-1999
00:00 / 11:35
Joe Seidlitz - 01-10-2001
00:00 / 05:52
Josie Wolfe by Anna Mae Hanson - 05-18-1980
00:00 / 58:42
Kenneth Wolfe - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 53:06
Kevin Shaw by Cory Williams - 02-16-1998
00:00 / 36:23
Dan Wooley by Christina Wooley - 01-27-1999
00:00 / 11:08
Lawrence and Amelia Schaefer by Dave Ghekiere - 02-11-1998
00:00 / 17:29
David F. James - no interviewer - 05-21-1980
00:00 / 1:01:57
Debbie Hofer - no interviewer - 03-15-1999
00:00 / 30:57
Leddie Gilbert by Jamie McClure - no date
00:00 / 06:18
Leslie Martin by Ashley Martin - 04-18-1999
00:00 / 11:17
Don Marble by David Jensen and Jacob Brown - 12-7-1995
00:00 / 17:31
Liz Holmes by Megan Holmes - 12-08-1998
00:00 / 06:37
Don Van Dessel - no interviewer - 02-02-1998
00:00 / 35:56
Loren Johnson by Lewis Johnson - 04-23-1999
00:00 / 07:47
Dona Laas by Marsha Barker - 01-11-1999
00:00 / 15:21
Donald Heimbigner by Jesse Hill and Joni Jacobson - 02-09-1996
00:00 / 42:36
Duane Gjesdal - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 13:19
Earl Thisselle by Katherine Woods and Kayla Matkin - 01-11-2001
00:00 / 14:34
Earl Thompson by Megan Maki - XX-19-1998
00:00 / 1:26:52
Lori Wolfe - no date
00:00 / 32:45
Mabel Kolstad by Lacee Mattson and Amy McConnell- 12-06-1995
00:00 / 34:25
Margaret Graff by Kali Nelson- 02-17-2000
00:00 / 06:21
Margaret Warhank McNair by Una Moog - 01-25-1980
00:00 / 1:09:09
Margie Dahinden by Kali Nelson - 02-23-2000
00:00 / 10:09
Edward and Joyce Tempel by Mari Tempel - 01-03-2001
00:00 / 35:07
Marilyn Kealoha by Tara Balsley - 01-18-1999
00:00 / 11:41
Elle and Helen Seidlitz by Mark Seidlitz - no date
00:00 / 42:26
Elle Seidlitz - Interviewer Mark Seidlitz no date
00:00 / 26:59
Ernest Evans by Una Moog - 05-09-1980
00:00 / 34:11
Ethel Darnall by Curtis Keith and Colt Frederickson - 01-09-2001
00:00 / 42:29
Ethel Strom - no interviewer - 11-25-1996
00:00 / 10:00
Evelyn Aitken - no interviewer- 02-08-XX
00:00 / 1:26:36
Frances Hawks by Cory Hawks - 03-23-1999
00:00 / 06:11
Frances Hawks by Kari Hawks- 02-10-2000
00:00 / 05:44
Fred Sitch - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 1:49:38
George and Betsy Clink by Barbara Cady - 05-07-1980 pt. 1
00:00 / 34:23
George and Betsy Clink by Barbara Cady - 05-07-1980 pt. 2
00:00 / 33:21
George and Betsy Clink by Barbara Cady - 05-07-1980 pt. 3
00:00 / 34:43
George Clink - no interviewer - 04-09-1980
00:00 / 28:41
Marion Romain - no interviewer or date - poor recording
00:00 / 22:04
Mark and Kathy Schmidt by Casey Schmidt- no date
00:00 / 08:12
Marvin Krook by Cory Williams - 02-05-1998
00:00 / 54:25
Mary Haupt Heath by Linda Fossen - 10-01
00:00 / 1:32:28
Mary Voise by Ashley and Tim Voise - 03-09-1999
00:00 / 35:43
Max Johnson by Taylor Wickum- 03-23-99
00:00 / 08:23
Michael Walstad by Becky Bylund - 02-10-1999
00:00 / 15:51
Mike Novak by Carly Van Dyke - 01-26-1998
00:00 / 15:09
Mike Novak by Curtis Keith and Colt Frederickson - 01-14-2001
00:00 / 38:46
Mildred Blackstone by Dave Ghekiere - 02-10-1998
00:00 / 38:18
Mildred Hanson by Kali Nelson - 02-22-2000
00:00 / 12:14
Monica Smith by Hannah Brown and Andrea Novak - 02-21-2000
00:00 / 08:17
Monica Smith by Logan Lyders - no date
00:00 / 09:31
Nancy Warhank Wolery by Barbara Cady - 1-30-1980
00:00 / 34:46
Oscar Erickson and Mildred Hanson by Travis VanDyke and Mitchell Clark - 1997
00:00 / 1:09:12
Oscar Erickson by Kevin Eveland - 02-19-1997
00:00 / 24:33
Pearl Cicon by Anna Kammerzell - 02-12-1997
00:00 / 14:16
Pearl Cicon by Anna Kammerzell - 03-05-1997
00:00 / 09:54
Pearl Cicon by Kyle Cicon - 03-30-1999
00:00 / 08:15
Philip Wicklund - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 1:09:18
Rebecca Weinert by Carly Weinert - 04-20-1999
00:00 / 05:02
Renee Rasmussen - no interviewer - 01-21-2002
00:00 / 25:01
Renee Rasmussen by Kali Nelson - 02-22-2000
00:00 / 16:56
Rhonda Harrison by Justina Johns and Trista Houle - 01-22-2001
00:00 / 38:00
Dr. Richard Buker Jr. by Hannah Brown and Andrea Novak - no date
00:00 / 41:25
Richard and Karen Fisher - no interviewer - 01-16-2002
00:00 / 22:24
Robert Pugsley by Heidi Cicon - 01-11-2001
00:00 / 48:02
Robert Pugsley Sr. - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 40:31
Rodney and Inez Keith by Curtis Keith and Colt Frederickson - 01-07-2001
00:00 / 39:59
Rudy Cicon by Marjorie Dafoe and Maci Tempel - 01-09-2001
00:00 / 17:32
Ruth Hodges - 11-25-1996
00:00 / 07:05
Ruth Hovee by Una Moog - 05-15-1980
00:00 / 14:01
Sanford and Arlene Anderson - no date - very poor recording
00:00 / 17:37
Shirley Lybeck - 01-20-2001
00:00 / 15:31
Shirley Lybeck by Andrea Novak - 02-14-2000
00:00 / 08:26
Shirley Lybeck by Class of 1998 - 03-18-1997
00:00 / 36:34
Speech by Unknown Speaker - no date listed
00:00 / 35:58
Stan Huhtala - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 16:11
Stewart Stone - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 04:52
Susan Curtis by Danielle Curtis - 01-13-1999
00:00 / 07:43
Tiffany King - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 06:24
Tinky Cushing - 01-10-2001
00:00 / 15:23
Tinky Cushing - no interviewer - 12-27-2000
00:00 / 38:26
Tinky Cushing by Hannah Brown and Andrea Novak - 02-06-2000
00:00 / 15:11
Tom Dunham by Buck Zerbe - no date
00:00 / 27:24
Tom Wood by Michael Wood - 03-30-1999
00:00 / 03:07
Tommy Wilson by Barbara Cady - 10-12-1979
00:00 / 36:28
Tony Jochim by Hannah Brown and Andrea Novak - 02-20-2000
00:00 / 1:04:21
Unknown Interviewee - no interviewer or date
00:00 / 20:56
Unknown Interviewee - no interviewer or date #2
00:00 / 51:16
Unknown Interviewee by Kelly Adams and Jim Hurley - no date
00:00 / 11:22
Verda Evans by Una Moog - 05-09-1980
00:00 / 23:41
Verna Krantz by Jamie McClure - 03-23-1999
00:00 / 06:05
Walter Hovee by Una Moog - 05-15-1980
00:00 / 20:13
Wanda Keith by Kari Hawks - 02-18-2000
00:00 / 09:06
Wayne and Janice Knudsen by Debbie Brown
00:00 / 37:11
Interviews conducted by various organizations to preserve Liberty County's heritage. Transferred from cassette to digital as part of Martin Fulbright's Eagle Scout Project.

First four interviews conducted by Judy Tempel and Karla Kulpas. Other video interviews conducted by Martin and Trent Fulbright with the help of BSA Troop 1430 as part of Martin Fulbright's Eagle Scout Project.
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